Financial Awareness
It's human nature to steer well clear of areas that we do not understand. Many people in organisations are provided with figures in order to help them do their jobs more effectively.
The problem is that if people do not understand how the figures were arrived at in the first place, how can they possibly influence them effectively in the course of their work?
The inspire Financial Awareness programme is designed to provide delegates with an awareness of the commercial issues that impact upon businesses, particuarly their own.
Steve Connell has developed a number of exercises to underpin the tutorials that he delivers which are designed to provide delegates with a real understanding of how they can have a direct impact on the bottom line of their organisations.
The programme aims to provide non finance managers with a clearer appreciation of the numbers that drive their business by examining the following areas:
- The financial and economic considerations facing organisations
- Understanding the difference between profit and cash
- Profit and Loss, Cash Flow and Balance Sheet statements
- How budgets are allocated and managed
- How to identify, prioritise and manage costs
- How value, margin and wealth are created for shareholders